Use our AI-driven platform to build your retirement pension, manage a dynamic portfolio, follow our model stock portfolios, or optimize your investments effortlessly
3 plans
A relative and continuous ranking of all financial products of the same asset type, which lets you see the whole picture every day anew.
Every transaction decision ever made by our FINQ-AI, which includes buying and selling stocks, is available at your disposal in the portfolio's history.
FINQ assesses financial product risk daily using a data-driven approach that breaks down each product into single assets and, using Big Data models, calculates bottom-up its actual risk.
Our AI-based technology ensures 100% objectivity by eliminating the biases of middlemen who don’t always act in your interest.
Products built to outperform traditional investing strategies and the world’s leading indices result in better returns.
An AI-engine monitors the entire market 24/7, ensuring you're always aware of investment opportunities with 24/7 market tracking.
Creating financial profiles for various risk levels to match investment products that suit your comfort level with risk-guided investing.
The importance of transparency in finance: Guiding principles for modern investors
The myth of objectivity in financial services: A FINQ perspective
Navigating market volatility: Lessons from past crashes and the power of FINQ’s AI
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